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Christmas Hampers for the Elderly in Need

“Our Mothers Our Fathers” – An odd name?  Well, most old people are someone’s mother or someone’s father, yet so many are alone with very little support.  Many of them are also simply too proud to ask for help and as a consequence the desperation of their circumstances is hidden.

OMOF was a name chosen to remind us all, that these senior citizens are entitled to dignity and compassion.  If you know of such a person who may need to be considered as a beneficiary of the OMOF initiative, rest assured the matter will be handled by Ann with great care and empathy.The OMOF Christmas hamper collection for the most deserving old and destitute people in the False Bay area has started!

You can really help make a difference to this special time of year and we are appealing for those who are prepared to donate to please do so early so we can get the hampers ready by the 10th of December but our volunteers will be delivering on Christmas Eve to make the hampers truly special.
We are also adding a wrapped GIFT inside each hamper to also make it just that much more special.

As usual, the Hamper Collection Progress Bars on our website have been reset to zero!

Thanking you in advance for your generosity.  To read more and view our progress bars (updated daily) Go to