Hello fellow BKM’ers!
Spring has sprung, September has begun and as Cape Town starts to show off its summer beauty, our hood is also starting to defrost and show off its beautiful flowers and trees, gardens and spaces and secret hideaway places.
Traditionally, around the world, Spring is a season of ‘new beginnings’. However, after the horror of COVID-19 and the ensuing lockdown that has left many of us in dire straits and our businesses in survival mode, this year’s Spring is more about a “re-awakening” and a “re-connecting” to our community, friends and family. It has become clear that the only way for our businesses to survive is to support our local entrepreneurs and professionals.
It was with this in mind that Chas Everitt CT South launched an exciting initiative to bring the vooma back to local business support by launching a new community business directory for Cape Town South businesses. and organisations. Welcome to #HELLOLOCAL – Back to business! www.HelloLocal.co.za
This directory is a Google optimised directory listing, with direct messaging to you from those interested in your product /service. It also includes a ‘QR code’ to promote your listing, as well as mapping of your business location, a Coupon/Voucher facility and much more. Due to the Google optimization, your listing will have the full might and support of the world’s most powerful search engine with the intimacy of a local listing directory. Our company (like so many others) relies on the success and buoyancy of our neighbours and Chas Everitt have taken the decision to reprioritise our marketing spend and have allocated a substantial budget to advertising this directory through ‘paid for’ ads and sponsored social media posts.
While #hellolocal is free for anyone to sign up on the basic sponsored package, Chas Everitt is giving a number of PREMIUM listings offering much more visibility than the ordinary package. The value of this gift is R5000! NO COST TO YOU! NO CATCH!
These are the premium features:
1) A listing in HelloLocal.co.za – a Google optimised community directory
2) Upgrade from Sponsored to Premium account for FIVE YEARS
3) QR Code (use online and in print)
4) Listing can host pdf files (so clients can download a price list or menu
or CV or brochure or image)
5) Host approved client reviews and testimonials
6) Customers and clients can respond directly to you from the listing
7) Create a voucher or coupon for promotions and discounts
8) Display both a logo and a profile image
9) Accurate Google mapping in your listing
10) Links to your website and your social media
Guys, it’s important to note that Chas Everitt is not ‘profiting’ off this initiative. It is a community-oriented project to help all of us get back on our feet and rebuild our shattered lives. Our objective is relationship building without any obligation.
I hope this will be one small step in that direction. If you are interested in claiming your PREMIUM listing please go to HelloLocal.co.za and choose the Sponsored Listing and after creating your account you can email registrations@hellolocal.co.za with the subject “BKM” and your account will be upgraded with all the Premium benefits. That’s it!
Signing off “all good in the hood” with some amazing pics of our gorgeous hood.
Cecily Madison