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Ladies Mile drop-off facility to close at the end of September

ladies_mile_depotThe City of Cape Town would like to advise residents that the Ladies Mile drop-off facility will be closing permanently on 30 September 2015. This is to make way for a successful land restitution claim, and the land is to be handed to the Regional Land Claims Commissioner.

Residents in the area can make use of the nearby Retreat, Wynberg, or Hout Bay drop-off facilities, or the Coastal Park landfill site in Zeekoeivlei after this date.

Once closed, decommissioning of the site will begin in strict adherence to the closure license. An environmental consultant will perform tests on and assessments of the site, after which they will advise as to what will be required to rehabilitate the land which occupies an area of roughly a hectare. Based on the requirements laid out by the environmental consultants, the City will look to appoint a contractor to perform the rehabilitation. The environmental consultant will be appointed within a few months and it is envisaged that their assessment and recommendations will be complete by February or March next year. Thereafter, the rehabilitation contractor will be appointed and rehabilitation is expected to be completed before the end of 2016.
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Spring Dance

To celebrate the coming of Spring, the BKM Watch are inviting Bergvliet residents to their Spring Dance! WHEN: Friday, 18 September 2015 WHERE: Bergvliet Sports… Read More »Spring Dance